🎉 LogoToUse 🎉

Azwedo team took a #7DaysChallenge, to create a product from scratch that will be a very useful resource for designers. We’ve been there, we faced it, we solved it for ourselves and we want to share it with the community.
Welcome to the #7DaysChallenge product sprint overview.

1st Day

The Problem &
The Solution

The Problem?

➝ Designers/Agencies are facing the struggle of finding high-quality logos to use in: Templates, Showcases, Products, or Portfolios with demo content in it.

➝ The pain increases when using the same assets over and over again on a weekly basis.
* No one has the time to design demo logos for each project separately 😬

➝ Avoiding repetitive usage of the same logos drives to next struggle which is making sure you won’t violate any copyrights using other logos and struggles go on...

The Solution 🎯

➝ We are building the “Unsplash[.]com” for Logos, where the community can download any logo they want and do whatever they want with them.

➝ Simple and straightforward, everything is FREE.

➝ Starting with +50 logos and many more to come every day from us and (you) the community.

Read 1st Day #7daysChallenge

2nd Day

Research &

Finding golden keywords 📗 and compiling a full list of diverse logos.

Read 2nd Day #7daysChallenge

3rd Day

120+ million logos

➝ There are +10,000,000 new businesses every year worldwide. You’re right, 10M!

➝ 80% of the businesses will own a logo (8M)

➝ The average is 4 variations per logo design - 1 is taken (from the client), 3 goes in the archive.

➝ Designers usually don’t delete their previous work, but let’s suppose they save them for 5 years.

➝ 24M logos x 5 years = 120 million logos are archived today.

Read 3rd Day #7daysChallenge

4th Day

Platform Design &

➝ Today we are designing the platform and at the same time finishing up the set of 50 logos designs.

➝ The development is taking place - defining layouts, style-guide and more.

Read 4th Day #7daysChallenge

5th Day

The Unsplash

We are crafting the Unsplash for Logos...

Read 5th Day #7daysChallenge

6th & 7th Day

Handling Everything

If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.

It's time to be embarrassed 🤣
We are launching tomorrow 🚀


Read the Last Days#7daysChallenge


We are LIVE

We have made it.

We want to thank every Azwedo team member who worked hard to accomplish this.


Join The Club

Share your creativity with the whole world and help the community. Upload your logos now.

Share your creativity

Yes. It's absolutely Free!